September - Oktober

15/10/14 LUCCA hat Geburtstag!!
Lucca hat seinen jährlichen Besuch in Europa absolviert. Wie immer hatte ich die Gelegenheit diesen kleinen Mann zu geniessen. Er ist ein immer fröhlicher kleiner Mann, spricht hervorragend Deutsch mit und, gleichzeitig aber Brasilianisch mit seiner Mutter. Es stört ihn keineswegs, dass die verrückte Tante so viele haarige Hunde hat, seine absoluten Lieblinge waren die beiden Oldies Sili und Baghria.
Komm bald einmal wieder, kleiner Mann!!!!
Lucca made his yearly visit to Europe. As always it was great to be able to spend some time with this lovely little boy. He is such a happy and friendly boy, speaks perfect German and at the same time will talk in Brazilian with his mother. He has no problems with his crazy aunt with all those many hairy dogs and his absolute favorites were the two Oldies Sili and baghira.
Come visiting soon again, little man!!!

USA 19/09 - 06/10/14

Philadelphia - Washington - Gettysburg

National Specialty BCCA

Lange schon hatte ich diese Reise geplant, 2014 sollte MEIN Jahr werden, erst im Frühjahr die Crufts und dann im Oktober die National Specialty des BCCA in Gettysburg... Mein Bruder hat mir diesen Traum ermöglicht, schenkte er mir doch im Januar als Geburtstagsgeschenk 2 Wochen seines Urlaubs, damit ich in die USA reisen konnte.
Und es hat sich gelohnt!
I had been dreaming about this trip for quiet a while, 2014 should be MY year! Spring visiting Crufts and in October visiting the National Specialty of the BCCA in Gettysburg.....My brither was the one who made this dream come true by giving me 14 days of his vacations as a birthday gift in January.
The trip was absolutely wonderful!

Ich setzte mich mit Diane Banks und Sandy McDonald in Verbindung, um diese Reise zu planen. Diane holte mich in Philadelphia am Flugplatz ab, ich blieb das erste Wochenende bei ihr. Am Sonntag besuchte ich Valley Forge Nat. Historic Park, ein wunderschönes Natuschutzgebiet mit historischem Hintergrund aus der Zeit des Unabhängigkeitskriegs. Es war ein herrlicher Spätsommertag und die Landschaft einfach genial! Ein wunderschöner alter Baumbestand, die Gegend hügelig, der Indian Summer hatte gerade erst begonnen und schon jetzt waren die Farben genial.
I got in contact with Diane Banks and Sandy McDonald to plan this trip. Diane met me at Philadelphia Airport and I stayed the weekend at her home. Sunday I went to visit Valley Forge Nat. Historic Park, a lovely place with lots of old trees, a lovely landscape and its historic roots from the Revolutionary War. It was a lovely lat summer day, Indian Summer had just started and the colors of the trees were changing.


Am Montag habe ich mir Philadelphia angesehen, am Dienstag ging es mit dem Bus nach Washington. Dort habe ich bei Lynne Corn wohnen drfen. Mittwoch und Donnerstag habe ich mir Washington, Mount Vernon und Arlington angesehen, was sehr beeindruckend war.
Monday I did some sightseeing in Philadelphia, Tuesday I took a bus to Washington where I was able to stay with Lynne Corne. Wednesday and Thursday I did some more sightseeing: Washington The Mall and Tidal Basin, Mount Vernon and Arlington which was most impressive.

more Philadelphia


more Washington


Am Donnerstag Abend kam Sandy mich abholen und nach vielen Jahre in denen wir uns per mail unterhalten haben, haben wir uns zum ersten mal getroffen :-). Am Freitag habe ich meine erste US Hundeausstellung war sehr unterschiedlich zu dem was wir hier von Hundeausstellungen gewohnt sind. Am Samstag haben wir die Schlachtfelder von Menassas besucht und am Sonntag ging es dann nach Gettysburg zur National Specialty 
Thursday evening Sandy came to fetch me and we finally met after all theses years of "talking" via email :-). Friday we went to my first ever US dog show....some very strange sights, lots of different impressions to our shows. Saturday we went to the Menassas Battlefields and Sunday we left for Gettysburg and the National Specialty.


Nat. Specialty, Monday, Agility

Nat. Specialty, Tuesday; Sweep Stakes

Nat. Specialty, Wednesday, Bitch Judging

Nat. Specialty, Thursday, Dog Judging

Nat. Specialty, Friday, BOB

last days in the US

....und dann waren die 14 Tage USA schon wieder vorbei...
...and suddenly the 2 weeks US were over.... Thank you so much to Diane, Sandy and Lynn for taking me in, taking your time to show me the beauty of your part of the US. History was everywhere and the landscape just beautiful. The National Specialy was rather stunning, I saw some rather strange things like the bathing, bow drying, the amount of grooming, styling and trimming which shouldn't be done in our breed. I was most astonished how much some of the dogs in the US seem to stay in cages, the impossibility for you to take your dogs out for long walks off leash as I am able to do....I now tell my dogs how lucky they are ;-). Some sights I saw I do hope I'll never see this side of the Atlantic, others like the friendly, happy not as competitive attitude you had at the Agility event I would love to see more of over here.
Once again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made me feel welcome and who made this stay something very special!!! It was lovely meeting so many old and new friends!!

P.S: Could you maybe organize a National Specialty close to the Yellowstone National Park? I would love to attent it ;-)